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“This animal body, for all its susceptibility and vertigo, remains the primary instrument of all our knowing, as the capricious earth remains our primary cosmos.”

- David Abram,

'Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology'

Gathering | 'Earth Movement LAB'

‘Earth Movement LAB’ uses nature as the central training environment, exploring the roots of human movement and excavating the physical dynamics of the human-animal connection. Its work is devoted to enhancing each individual’s connection to nature, developing cognitive and physical approaches to how we see, feel, play, and explore within the natural world.


We will explore how to move silently within the forest, climb trees, roll in earth and journey through landscape, using site-responsive study, meditation, artistic expression, and embodied encounters. Work will focus on transformation - our bodies and imagination finding expressive forms through a dialogue with place.


In ‘Earth Movement LAB’ you can immerse yourself in place, working with complex topographies, materiality, self and other to decompose, and transform the everyday into something deeper, stranger, wilder - something essential.


What we offer is simple, grounded, and rooted in family. Aercwel Mill’s infrastructure is still being developed, so current amenities are both simple and communal. Our accommodation comprises a shepherds hut, caravan, bell tents, and the cottage, with two bathrooms, a compost loo, and a nearby freshwater well to bathe in.


For the course duration, we will live as a village, sharing space, food, and chores in close proximity, where the ethos of communal labour underpins work.


We will be living with young children, two of whom call Aercwel Mill home. Part of our collective research will inquire into the ways we can incorporate children into our learning and living, in ways that both respect their needs and ours.


We invite you to intertwine creative visioning, practice-as-research, and training adventures with family, community, and evolving tribe.


The Eden’s Cave community celebrates equality, inclusion, and healthy community ecosystems. We welcome all cultures, ethnic origins, races, skin colours, accents, cultural identities, histories, herstories, their stories, spiritual practices, religious affiliations, spiritual walks, gender identities, sexualities and life experiences.


We want to attract a diverse range of collaborators, and we want to welcome children and families whenever we can. We are a small self-managing team with deep roots in, and serious commitment to, collaboration.


We value continual learning, honest dialogue, and operating in a peer-led way. We don’t always get things right, and we are working on forms that can support conflict and embrace interpersonal difficulty as part of authentic collaboration.


We are building slowly, in line with our capacity as working practitioners, producers, and parents.

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